La Unidad de Cirugía Artroscópica cuenta con más de 70 publicaciones tanto en investigación básica como en investigación clínica y divulgación científica para contribuir al desarrollo de la medicina basada en la evidencia, en el ámbito de los tratamientos con plasma en las lesiones del aparato locomotor.
El objetivo final de las investigaciones es mejorar la calidad de vida de los pacientes y divulgar la experiencia en el ámbito médico para que pueda ser contrastada y utilizada por otros profesionales de la medicina.
The use of injectable orthobiologics for knee osteoarthritis: A European ESSKA‐ORBIT consensus. Part 1—Blood‐derived products (platelet‐rich plasma)
Laver L, Filardo G, Sanchez M, Magalon J, Tischer T, Abat F, Bastos R, Cugat R, Iosifidis M, Kocaoglu B, Kon E, Marinescu R, Ostojic M, Beaufils P, de Girolamo L
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2024 Apr;32(4):783-797.
Comment on "Review of Dohan Eherenfest et al. (2009) on classification of platelet concentrates: From pure platelet-rich plasma (p-prp) to leucocyte- and platelet-rich fibrin (l-prf)"
Sánchez M, Delgado D, Espregueira-Mendes J.
J ISAKOS. 2023 Oct 6:S2059-7754(23)00575-8
The Top 100 Most Cited Articles on Platelet-Rich Plasma Use in Regenerative Medicine-A Bibliometric Analysis-From the ESSKA Orthobiologic Initiative
Coulange Zavarro A, De Girolamo L, Laver L, Sánchez M, Tischer T, Filardo G, Sabatier F, Magalon J.
Bioengineering (Basel). 2022 Oct 19;9(10):580
Platelet-rich plasma injections induce disease-modifying effects in the treatment of osteoarthritis in animal models
Boffa A, Salerno M, Merli G, De Girolamo L, Laver L, Magalon J, Sánchez M, Tischer T, Filardo G.
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2021 Dec;29(12):4100-4121.
Comment on moving toward targeting the right phenotype with the right platelet-rich plasma formulation for knee osteoarthritis
Sánchez M, Delgado D.
Ther Adv Musculoskelet Dis. 2021 Jun 3;13:1759720X211019531.
Platelet-Rich Plasma Applications for Achilles Tendon Repair: A Bridge between Biology and Surgery.
Padilla S, Sánchez M, Vaquerizo V, Malanga GA, Fiz N, Azofra J, Rogers CJ, Samitier G, Sampson S, Seijas R, Elorriaga R, Taunton J, Boehm F, Prado R, Cugat R, Anitua E.
Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Jan 15;22(2):824
Biological Therapies in Orthopedics and Sports Medicine
Samitier G, Alentorn-Geli E, Filardo G, Aicale R, Rosati Tarulli F, Maffulli N, Trams E, Kaminska K, Pomianowski S, Kaminski R, Sánchez M, Delgado D, Garate A, Sánchez P, Bilbao A, Fiz N, Dallo I, Kumar V, Gobbi A, Cugat R
ESSKA Instructional Course Lecture Book pp 227-253
Response to the letter to the editor concerning the article “Platelet-rich plasma for the treatment of knee osteoarthritis: an expert opinion and proposal for a novel classification and coding system”
Di Matteo B, Kon E, Delgado D, Sánchez M
Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy
Regarding “Intra-Articular Injections of Hyaluronic Acid or Steroid Associated With Better Outcomes Than Platelet-Rich Plasma, Adipose Mesenchymal Stromal Cell, or Placebo in Knee Osteoarthritis: A Network Meta-analysis”
Di Matteo B, Delgado D, Sánchez M, Cole BJ, Rodeo SA, Kon E
Arthroscopy Association of North America, September 23, 2020
Platelet-rich plasma for the treatment of knee osteoarthritis: an expert opinion and proposal for a novel classification and coding system
Sánchez M, Delgado D, Kon E, Di Matteo B, Cole BJ, Dorotei A, Dragoo JL, Filardo G, Fortier LA, Giuffrida A, Jo CH, Magalon J, Malanga GA, Mishra A, Nakamura N, Rodeo SA, Sampson S
Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy, 20:12, 1447-1460
Platelet-Rich Plasma Applications for Achilles Tendon Repair: A Bridge between Biology and Surgery
Padilla S, Sánchez M, Vaquerizo V, Malanga GA, Fiz N, Azofra J, Rogers CJ, Samitier G, Sampson S, Seijas R, Elorriaga R, Taunton J, Boehm F, Prado R, Cugat R, Anitua E.
Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Jan 15;22(2):824.
Platelet-rich plasma in orthopaedic sports medicine: state of the art
Milano G, Sánchez M, Jo CH, Saccomanno MF, Thampatty BP, Wang J
Journal of ISAKOS: Joint Disorders & Orthopaedic Sports Medicine 2019;4:188-195.
Platelet-Rich Plasma for Injured Peripheral Nerves: Biological Repair Process and Clinical Application Guidelines
Sánchez M, Garate A, Bilbao AM, Oraa J, Yangüela F, Sánchez P, Guadilla J, Aizpurua B, Azofra J, Fiz N and Delgado D
Demystifying Polyneuropathy - Recent Advances and New Directions IntechOpen
Injectable Systems for Intra-Articular Delivery of Mesenchymal Stromal Cells for Cartilage Treatment: A Systematic Review of Preclinical and Clinical Evidence
Roffi A, Nakamura N, Sánchez M, Cucchiarini M, Filardo G
Int J Mol Sci. 2018; 19(11): 3322
Current Concepts in Intraosseous Platelet-Rich Plasma Injections for Knee Osteoarthritis
Delgado D, Garate A, Vincent H, Bilbao AM, Patel R, Fiz N, Sampson S, Sánchez M
Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics and Trauma. 2018;10(1):36-41
PRP Injections in Orthopaedic Surgery: Why, When and How to Use PRP Dynamic Liquid Scaffold Injections in Orthopaedic Surgery
Sánchez M, Diego Delgado D, Garate A, Sánchez P, Oraa J, Bilbao AM, Guadilla J, Aizpurua B, Fiz N, Azofra J, Padilla S
Plasma Medicine - Concepts and Clinical Applications
PRGF Molecular Intervention: a Bridge from Spontaneity to Muscle Repair
Sánchez M, Anitua E, Aizpurua B, Delgado D, Sánchez P, Guadilla J, Padilla S
Platelet Rich Plasma in Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine pp 241-257 Springer
A Novel and Versatile Adjuvant Biologic Therapy in the Management of Neuropathies
Sánchez M, Anitua E, Delgado D, Garate A, Bilbao AM, Sánchez P, Padilla S
Platelet Rich Plasma in Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine pp 225-239 Springer
A New Approach to Treat Joint Injuries: Combination of Intra-Articular and Intraosseous Injections of Platelet Rich Plasma
Sánchez M, Anitua E, Delgado D, Sanchez P, Prado R, Prosper F, Fiz N, Padilla S
Platelet Rich Plasma in Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine pp 145-161 Springer
The Scientific Rationale to Apply Plasma Rich in Growth Factors in Joint Tissue Pathologies: Knee Osteoarthritis
Padilla S, Anitua E, Fiz N, Pompei O, Azofra J, Sánchez M
Platelet Rich Plasma in Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine pp 125-143 Springer
Effects of Plasma Rich in Growth Factors on Cells and Tissues of Musculoskeletal System: from Articular Cartilage to Muscles and Nerves
Padilla S, Sánchez M, Anitua E
Platelet Rich Plasma in Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine pp 65-81 Springer
Repair and Regeneration: Connecting the Dots Among Coagulation, Immune System, the Sensory Nervous System and Fibrogenesis
Padilla S., Sánchez M., Padilla I., Anitua E
Platelet Rich Plasma in Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine pp 47-63 Springer
Plasma Rich in Growth Factors for the Treatment of Skeletal Muscle Injury
Sánchez M, Delgado D, Sánchez P, Anitua E, Padilla S.
Muscle Injuries in Sport Athletes pp 451-464
Platelet-rich plasma, an adjuvant biological therapy to assist peripheral nerve repair
Sánchez M, Garate A, Delgado D, Padilla S
Neural Regen Res. 2017 Jan;12(1):47-52.
Human-Based Biological and Biomimetic Autologous Therapies for Musculoskeletal Tissue Regeneration
Padilla S, Sánchez M, Orive G, Anitua E.
Trends Biotechnol. 2016 Dec 19. pii: S0167-7799(16)30160-3.
Platelet-rich plasma, a source of autologous growth factors and biomimetic scaffold for peripheral nerve regeneration
Sánchez M, Anitua E, Delgado D, Sánchez P, Prado R, Orive G, Padilla S.
Expert Opin Biol Ther. 2016 Nov 28:1-16.
A new strategy to tackle severe knee osteoarthritis: Combination of intra-articular and intraosseous injections of Platelet Rich Plasma
Sánchez M, Anitua E, Delgado D, Sanchez P, Prado R, Goiriena JJ, Prosper F, Orive G, Padilla S.
Expert Opinion on Bilogical Therapy
PRP in Lateral Elbow Pain
Guadilla J, Lopez-Vidriero E, Lopez-Vidriero R, Padilla S, Delgado D, Arriaza R, Sánchez M.
Elbow and Sport pp 109-124
Healing or Not Healing
Padilla S, Sanchez M, Padilla I, Orive G, Anitua E.
Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Towards a correct timing and dosage in PRP applications
Padilla S, Sánchez M, Orive G, Anitua E.
Injury. 2015 Aug;46(8):1697-8.
Should your algorithm include plasma rich in growth factors in the light of its clinical efficacy and safety?
Vaquerizo V, Sánchez M, Padilla S, Orive G, Anitua E.
Semin Arthritis Rheum. 2015 Feb;44(4):e10-1
Platelet Rich Plasma and Orthopedics: Why, When, and How
Mikel Sánchez, Giuseppe Filardo, Tomokazu Yoshioka
BioMed Research International Volume 2015, Article ID 949720
When the capsule matters
Fiz N
Ann Transl Med. 2015 May;3(Suppl 1):S30.
Platelet-rich plasma in orthopaedic applications: evidence-based recommendations for treatment
Padilla S, Orive G, Sanchez M, Anitua E, Hsu WK
J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2014 Aug;22(8):469-70
Platelet rich plasma and knee surgery
Sánchez M, Delgado D, Sánchez P, Fiz N, Azofra J, Orive G, Anitua E, Padilla S.
Biomed Res Int. 2014;2014:890630
Muscle repair: platelet-rich plasma derivates as a bridge from spontaneity to intervention
Sánchez M, Anitua E, Delgado D, Sánchez P, Orive G, Padilla S
Injury. 2014 Oct;45 Suppl 4:S7-14.
More on platelet-rich plasma injections in acute muscle injury
Anitua E, Sánchez M, Padilla S
N Engl J Med. 2014 Sep 25;371(13):1264.
A biological approach to orthopaedic surgery: are they lost in translation?
Sánchez M, Anitua E, Orive G, Padilla S.
Arthroscopy. 2013 Jun;29(6):969-70.
Causality in biology has to answer 2 main questions--which and how: letter to the editor.
Padilla S, Orive G, Sánchez M, Anitua E, Wasterlain AS, Dragoo JL.
Am J Sports Med. 2013 May;41(5):NP22-3.
A biological therapy to osteoarthritis treatment using platelet-rich plasma
Sánchez M, Anitua E, Orive G, Padilla S.
Expert Opin Biol Ther. 2013 Aug;13(8):1161-72.
We cannot take oranges for apples in the field of platelet-rich plasma products.
Anitua E, Sánchez M.
Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2012 Apr;22(2):147-8
Basic Science: Molecular and Biological Aspects of Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapies.
Andia I, Sánchez M, Maffulli N.
Operative Techniques in Orthopedics. 2012 March; 22 (1): 3-9.
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Biotechnology: Concepts and Therapeutics Applications in Orthopedics and Sports Medicine
Sánchez M, Andia I, Anitua E, Sánchez P.
Agbo EC ed. Innovations en Biotechnology. In Techs. February,2012;113-138.
Joint pathology and platelet-rich plasma therapies.
Andia I, Sánchez M, Maffulli N.
Expert Opin Biol Ther. 2012 Jan;12(1):7-22.
Platelet-Rich Plasma in Muscle and Tendon Healing.
Sánchez M, Albillos J, Angulo F, Santisteban J, Andia I.
Operative Techniques in Orthopaedics. 2012;22(1):16-24
Platelet-Rich Plasma: Preparation and Formulation.
Anitua E, Prado R, Sánchez M, Orive G.
Operative Techniques in Orthopaedics. 2012;22(1):25-32
The type of platelet-rich plasma may influence the safety of the approach.
Anitua E, Sánchez M, Prado R, Orive G.
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2012.
Plasma rich in growth factors: the pioneering autologous technology for tissue regeneration.
Anitua E, Sánchez M, Prado R, Orive G.
J Biomed Mater Res A. 2011 Jun 15;97(4):536.
Platelet rich plasma therapies for sports muscle injuries: any evidence behind clinical practice?
Andia I, Sánchez M, Maffulli N.
Expert Opin Biol Ther. 2011 Apr;11(4):509-18.
The P makes the difference in plasma rich in growth factors (PRGF) technology.
Anitua E, Sánchez M, Prado R, Orive G.
Platelets. 2011;22(6):473-4; author reply 475.
The importance of understanding what is platelet-rich growth factor (PRGF) and what is not.
Anitua E, Sánchez M, Orive G.
J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2011 Jan;20(1):e23-4; author reply e24.
Donnèes scientifiques actuelles concernant le traitement par injection de concentré plaquettaire.
Kaux JF, Drion P, De Goff C, Crielaard JM, Sánchez M.
Julia M, Hirt D, Croisier JL, Codine P, Hérisson C. eds. Tendon et Jonction Tendinomusculaire. Entretiens de Médicine Physique et de Réadaption, á Montpellier, 2011;99-105
Facteurs plaquettaires et traitement des lésions tendinomusculaires.
Sánchez M, Kaux JF, Anitua E, Orive G.
Julia M, Hirt D, Croisier JL, Codine P, Hérisson C. eds. Tendon et Jonction Tendinomusculaire. Entretiens de Médicine Physique et de Réadaption, á Montpellier, 2011;106-111
Autologous platelet-rich plasma: a revolution in soft tissue sports injury management?
Mei-Dan O, Lippi G, Sánchez M, Andia I, Maffulli N.
Phys Sportsmed. 2010 Dec;38(4):127-35.
Tendon healing and platelet-rich plasma therapies.
Andia I, Sánchez M, Maffulli N.
Expert Opin Biol Ther. 2010 Oct;10(10):1415-26.
Potential of endogenous regenerative technology for in situ regenerative medicine.
Anitua E, Sánchez M, Orive G.
Adv Drug Deliv Rev. 2010 Jun 15;62(7-8):741-52.
Poor standardization in platelet-rich therapies hampers advancement.
Sánchez M, Anitua E, Andia I.
Arthroscopy. 2010 Jun;26(6):725-6; author reply 726.
The future: optimizing the healing environment in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.
Sánchez M, Anitua E, Lopez-Vidriero E, Andía I.
Sports Med Arthrosc. 2010 Mar;18(1):48-53
The use of platelet-rich plasma in arthroscopy and sports medicine: optimizing the healing environment.
Lopez-Vidriero E, Goulding KA, Simon DA, Sánchez M, Johnson DH.
Arthroscopy. 2010 Feb;26(2):269-78.
Shedding light in the controversial terminology for platelet rich products.
Anitua E, Sánchez M, Orive G, Andía I.
J Biomed Mater Res A. 2009 Sep 15;90(4):1262-3
Local Injections of Endogenous Growth Factors for Achilles Tendon Pathology
Sánchez M, Anitua E, Azofra J, Prado R, Muruzabal F, Andia I.
In Mafulli N, Oliva F eds. Achilles Tendon. Corso, Trieste, Rome; CIC Edizione Internazionali 2009;14:92-100
Préparation riche en facteurs de croissance (PRGF) dans les pathologies de l’appareil locomoteur.
Sánchez M.
Traumatologie du Sport 2009;26:73-75
Platelet-rich therapies in the treatment of orthopaedic sport injuries.
Sánchez M, Anitua E, Orive G, Mujika I, Andia I.
Sports Med. 2009;39(5):345-54.
Platelets and wound healing.
Nurden AT, Nurden P, Sánchez M, Andia I, Anitua E.
Front Biosci. 2008 May 1;13:3532-48.
Therapeutic Applications of the Preparation Rich in Growth Factors (PRGF).
Anitua E, Sánchez M, Orive G, Andia I.
Hu J. ed. Recent Advanced in Biomaterials Research. Transworlds Research Networks, Kerala, India 2008;141-153
Delivering growth factors for therapeutics.
Anitua E, Sánchez M, Orive G, Andia I.
Trends Pharmacol Sci. 2008 Jan;29(1):37-41.
The potential impact of the preparation rich in growth factors (PRGF) in different medical fields.
Anitua E, Sánchez M, Orive G, Andía I.
Biomaterials. 2007 Nov;28(31):4551-60.
New insights into and novel applications for platelet-rich fibrin therapies.
Anitua E, Sánchez M, Nurden AT, Nurden P, Orive G, Andía I.
Trends Biotechnol. 2006 May;24(5):227-34.
PRGF (Plasma Rich in Growth Factors)
Anitua E, Andía I, Sánchez M
Dental Dialogue Vol 3/04
La cirugía artroscópica en el dolor crónico tras esguince de tobillo.
Sánchez M.
Revista de Medicina y Cirugía del Pie. 2000;15(1):19-23
Tratamiento quirúrgico de las lesiones de rodilla
Sánchez M
Archivos de Medicina del Deporte. 1998;68:491-496