Home > Noticias > Want to meet the first doctor to discover the impact of PRP in sportsmedicine?



Want to meet the first doctor to discover the impact of PRP in sportsmedicine?

Want to meet the first doctor to discover the impact of PRP in #sportsmedicine? Then join us on June 15, 7-8 PM (CET) for the free #ONstage Premiere and Q&A with Mikel Sánchez (UCA Orthopedics)

Don't miss it and register now https://my.on-foundation.org/ONevents/Event/25

 #orthoregeneration #onfoundation #UCA #UnidadDeCirugíaArtroscópica #hombro #hombroflotante #escápula #glena #clavícula #traumatología #prp #healthcare #ultrasound #sportsmedicine #regenerativemedicine