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· Tarsal synostosis (fused bones)


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· Tarsal synostosis (fused bones)

What is it?

This is one of the most common causes of painful, rigid, flat feet among pediatric patients. Synostosis or tarsal coalitions are bony attachments present from birth, but which cause pain and limitation of the foot during pre-adolescence, when weight and physical activity increase.


When the pain is recurrent and disabling, when repeated sprains occur, or when the child is unable to practice their usual sporting activity, surgical treatment is recommended to solve the problem once and for all.

An innovative surgical technique is used, developed by Dr. Gorka Knörr, whereby the bone bridge is removed via arthroscopy, without the need for muscle padding (as in the classic technique) or immobilisation, so recovery is very quick.


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               Rigid valgus foot due to tarsal synostosis.                            CT of the bone junction.                               



         pie-valgo-sinostosis-tarso-infantil-artroscopia                   pie-valgo-sinostosis-tarso.infantil-corregido

         Detail of the arthroscopy procedure.                                                   Corrected and movable foot.