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Athletic pubalgia, also known as Gilmore's groin or sports hernia, is a pathology caused by the chronic swelling of the muscle inserted into the pubis. It tends to occur when there is an imbalance between the abdominal muscles and the adductor muscles. This pathology is common in football players.

There are three types of pubalgia depending on the muscles affected:

  • Lower pubalgia. When the adductor muscles are involved
  • Upper pubalgia. When the abdominal muscles are involved
  • Intermediate pubalgia. When both sets of muscles are involved 


There are several causes and activities which may lead to pubalgia:

  • An imbalance between the abdominal muscles and the adductor muscles.
  • Use of unsuitable footwear or playing sport on an uneven surface.
  • Muscle strain.


The main symptom of pubalgia is the pain which, depending on the affected muscle, will be located in different areas (in the adductor muscles, in the groin or in the abdominal area). This pain may be more intense when performing stretching exercises.


  • Physiotherapy
  • Anti-inflammatory medication
  • Surgery
  • Biological therapy with platelet-rich plasma (PRP)

Conservative treatment with PRP involves injections with platelet-rich plasma and is performed weekly on an outpatient basis. This treatment shall be applied for 3 successive weeks and shall be applied under strict aseptic conditions.