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Mako SmartRobotics Mako SmartRobotics


 In the Arthroscopic Surgery Unit (UCA) we combine our surgical experience of more than 30 years with the latest technology of the Mako intelligent robotic arm for hip and knee prosthesis surgeries. Our goal is to offer an advanced and personalized medicine combining knowledge and precision that increases the degree of patient satisfaction in each intervention.

Expert hands transforming hip and knee replacement surgeryde cadera y rodilla.

  • Increased accuracy
  • Improves planning process
  • Increased soft tissue preservation
  • Less pain and shorter recovery times
  • Shorter hospital stay
  • Lower rate of implant-related complications
  • Higher patient satisfaction rate


Using robotic surgery and three-dimensional analysis of the patient's anatomy through the scanner, we carry out detailed planning that includes determining the size and orientation of the various components of the prosthesis, as well as simulating the range of motion and stability of the joint. Once the planning is accepted, the robot ensures its strict follow-up, minimizing possible errors during execution thanks to haptic technology. This technology helps us to perform the surgery with millimetric precision, preserving more bone, protecting soft tissue and avoiding unintended damage. This approach, in addition to significantly increasing precision, contributes to a remarkable level of satisfaction and durability of the prosthesis.

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 Advanced and personalized medicine combining knowledge and precision to improve the patient's life quality.