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Patient Information

Patient Information

When an appointment is made for your first time at the Arthroscopic Surgery Unit, the doctors need to make a complete evaluation. As such, it is necessary that you provide us with as much information as possible regarding the reason for your visit. If you have also previously carried out any kind of test, or have visited another specialist, we recommend you bring the diagnosis report and tests with you, so as to help the medical team perform a more precise diagnosis.

On the website you can find a “first visit” form, on which you can provide additional useful information.

Access the “first visit” form here

The clinic is located in the centre of the city. Parking time is limited to an hour and a half, but there are several car-parks in the area. As the duration of the visit may be long, it is advisable to park in one of the nearby car parks.

Arthroscopic Surgery Unit address:

  • Calle Beato Tomás de Zumarraga, 10
  • Hospital Vithas San José – Planta 4ª